I'm here y'all ... kinda! I am known to be a little indecisive (hence the "muddiness" of my blog name.) So, by the time I decided that I indeed could go to the Blissdom blogging conference here in Nashville (here in Nashville, people) it was sold out. Next year I will know better!
BUT, I was still able to get a cocktail party ticket (to the tune o' 50 bucks).
Last night, pre-party the options were this ... hubby and Little Man drive me to said party (40 minutes from my house) and kill time at the nearby Mall while I socialized, or me get a room at the hotel. I didn't want to spend that $ on a cocktail party and not get a cocktail, know what I am sayin'? And I am too paranoid to drive even after one. Little Man wanted to stay home and watch "Polar Express" and was NOT into the drive mommy adventure. I said "if I go by myself, I may spend the night at the hotel and I will miss you" he said "I will send you a picture so you can see me." Ha! Always thinkin'!
So...I mosied over, on my own, to the Opryland Hotel. The cocktail party was at a fairly new Vegas-style nightclub called Fuse. I ran into some Nashville bloggers who it was great to see. Then, Harry Connick Jr performed a few songs!! He sandwiched an appearance in between performances at the Grammies and the Superbowl. He was VERY cute, I mean ... talented! He looked out into the sea of 500 women bloggers and said "Damn, there are a lot of women here! Where were you all when I was in highschool?!" He also joked about how he thought there would be a lot of masculine women with facial hair there, claiming he had thought it was going to be a LOGGERS convention. (What a kidder!) He also said what an important group it was to play for and how much he respects strong women. Talked about his mom and his three daughters. Then, he said he has been married for twenty years. After everyone cheered for that he said "I didn't say that I don't cheat." Then he quickly added that he was just kidding as to not put any evil ideas into the heads of those shameless mommy-blogger hussies (hahahaha)
Then he talked about what a difference people, like bloggers, can make. His pet project is rebuilding New Orleans after Katrina and he shared how he has been involved in a housing project for musicians there. Then, with him on piano accompanied by two horn players and a drummer played several songs including "When The Saints Come Marching In" for his home team. They sounded great! Afterwards it was announced that we could "very quickly" go through the line for pictures, which I did. When they said very quickly they weren't joking! They made group pics with like 12 women at a time. I did quickly introduce myself to him though and he was very nice.
That was really great of him to come in for it, and really SMART to play somewhere where 500 women are going to tweet and blog about you!!
I checked in and then and crashed some kind of potato cookoff. It was very fun to be around and get to meet a few other bloggers, and chat with some that I already knew.
Then I came back to my room, all cozy and ready for sleep in this beautiful hotel when I heard a man outside my door yell "call the f-ing cops, call the f-ing cops" and knock into my door! I called the front desk who sent security, but apparantly it was just some drunks in a fight or something. It was over quickly, but my overactive imagination had me invisioning snipers in the hallways or something. Ugh!
Once that passed I got a good night's sleep. And though I wish I had gotten a ticket and was out mingling with the other women right now, and I miss my boys (in spite of the promised pic I was sent), I am
thoroughly enjoying a cup of coffee here in the room by myself and the chance to write a full blog post uninterrupted ... ah, bliss!