I was on the sandy soil of my ancestors (The Braddocks, I am told, were among the first hundred non-Spanish white settlers in Florida). My cousin Carol and her husband Larry live about 45 minutes away, in the same town where my dad grew up, and were kind enough to come meet me. We went to the famed Columbia restaurant in Tampa's old Latin-quarter, Ybor city, The Columbia is famous for Old-World Spanish and New-World Cuban cuisine, and has been there since 1905. Our grandparents actually courted there in the late 1920's and early 1930's- yikes! I had an amazing seafood paella and just one little sangria (yum) and plantains.

We stayed for the flamenco dancer show and had a really nice time.
I went back to the hotel to get to bed early for the show. No insomnia haunted me, thank goodness. After a little room service breakfast I went to the studio and hung out in the green room where the super sweet producer, Maureen, came and met me and explained that it was a 4 1/2 minute interview (live to tape)which would go fast. She told me she really enjoyed the book and I was impressed that she had read it.
I hung out in the greenroom to wait until it was my time to go on. I met the hostess, Cyndi, who would be interviewing me. She was funny, telling me she was liking my book, but that it made her want to keep her legs crossed! (She later repeated that line on camera) For our actual interview, she asked a couple of unexpected questions. She asked me right away about my mother (who I haven't seen since I was 14) and questioned whose issue our infertility was. Wha' is she, Barbara Walters?!
She asked probing questions which I am sure makes for more interesting TV and hopefully I rolled with it ok. I felt like we had a nice rapport and I felt relaxed, so that was all good. And then ... it was over!
It was a fun little adventure, but it is also nice to be home and hear the sweet words "I missed you mommy!"
Sounds like it went really well! How exciting! It also sounds like you got some relaxing down time, which every Mommy needs!
You asked how my book is coming along and it's been slow going. Sometimes I get tons of energy to write and then at other times, I seem to slip away from it. We share similar stories (infertility, IVF) so I'm sure you can relate - I'm finding that writing about everything that happened is still bringing up some raw emotions for me. I have to stop at times and wait for the emotions to pass. But I am finally getting somewhere with it so that is definitely exciting!
I'm actually heading out to Borders this morning to pick up a book for a friend and I'm hoping I can find your book there. I'd love to read it! It sounds like an amazing story.
Awesome! I'm glad you had a great time. It is a great feeling to hear those sweet words, isn't it? Have a great Sunday!
Would love to see that interview!
Busy you with these signings and interviews!
What a wonderful experience! You're making me want to go back to Tampa. I haven't been there in 20 years.
Thanks everybody!
Helene, I hear ya on those feelings that come up when writing all this out. That is interesting that you had the whole infertility/IVF situation too. Definitely an emotional landmine! That's wonderful that you are moving forward, best of luck with it all and keep us posted!
Thanks for checking at Borders for my book, but I doubt they have it yet. (Though they could probably order it) Probably the best way to get it now is either through the ajourneytotheson.com website or through the publisher (Two Harbors) OR through Amazon. Thank you so much!!! :)
that's nice that the interviewer read your book first, I've always wondered if they do that before interviews. Sounds like a successful trip!
Sounds like it went fantastic. Congratulations!
I nominated your blog over at The Design House!!
Good luck! I hope you win!!
Congratulations! I just found you on MBC. I'm eager to read your book. I am writing a book too. Sending out to agents now in hopes that someone will pick it up. So happy to hear that your are getting such great press!
Naomi from organicmotherhoodwithcoolwhip.com
Hey Darlin.... Sorry it's been so long since I popped over for a visit ;(
I love this post. What a wonderful experience! Makes me want to go to Tampa again, it's been ages.
And a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!!! Holy Crap, you are sooo awsome. So, so very happy for you. You totally deserve it.
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